Preview: Communal Contests


Improving the community is one of our goals for Webkinz World this year, and we’ve been working diligently to reach that goal. We’ve enhanced the community aspects of Webkinz Newz, and we’ve improved the biggest social area in Webkinz World, the Kinzville Park, with some great new features to get more people meeting and chatting with one another. But we’re not done yet!

We’ve been working on a brand new feature that will bring together Webkinz World members in a whole new way, and that feature is Communal Contests! This new weekly activity, which can be accessed through the Kinzville Times in Webkinz World, allows members to vote for prizes and participate in competitions every week!

More details and a screenshot follow after the break.

Each week, there will be a brand new Communal Contest. Each Contest has three stages:

  • Monday: A poll is put up on the “Communal Contest” section of the Kinzville Times which asks members to vote for a prize for the week’s contest. Voters are automatically entered into the contest.
  • Friday: The week’s prize is picked based on the number of votes. The winner is announced alongside the weekend’s challenge.
  • Saturday and Sunday: The weekend’s challenge runs. Challenges require players to work together towards a common goal (for example, “collectively score 1.7 billion points in Cash Cow 2″). Players can help complete the challenge after officially entering the contest by clicking a button in the “Communal Contest” section of the Kinzville Times.

If the Community has successfully reached or surpassed the goal, everyone who participated in the Communal Contest (those who voted, helped with the challenge by contributing, or both) will be rewarded with the prize selected in the poll on the Monday following the challenge, and a new Communal Contest will then begin.


We’re very excited about this new feature, and we’re looking forward to seeing everyone work together on the first Communal Contest challenge that is scheduled to start on Monday, February 22, 2010.

Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz for details on this new weekly activity and more chances to help influence how Webkinz World develops!

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